Thank you for sharing your amazing resource in public goods. I found the topic you chose very interesting.
The topic “Public goods” is a bit more specific to people with an economics background but you found a way to make inclusive for everyone. So, Great Job!.
I Like the layout of your blog, everything seems well put together, the overview clearly defines your chosen topic and key concepts.
The blog is also well organized and I can tell a lot of effort was put into it.
The activity in your learning modules seem highly interactive and encourage students to explore the topic in-depth.
A great way of incorporating technology with the use of Twitter and WordPress, the only concern is the protection of privacy. Particularly if the students are not comfortable sharing private academic information online.
Some students, may not feel comfortable sharing assignment answers on a place like Twitter where they are open to criticism from anyone in the world, also there is the risk of students feeling discouraged to post their thoughts on Twitter if they do not feel knowledgeable on the subject matter.
Perhaps you might consider creating a safer space to share material, for example, a class forum or something similar to what we have in this class (EDCI 335) where students can share material with people taking the same course rather than having their thought available to the whole online world.
Overall, the lesson plan looks well put together and very inclusive. It is well detailed and thorough, although there is still little work to be done. I hope you found my comments helpful!
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